Data Science Services

Tap into our seasoned data scientists' expertise in modern programming, cutting-edge algorithms and sophisticated neural networks.

Transform your raw data into insightful analysis while enjoying up to 40% savings on technical expenses.

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Services Our Data Scientists Offer

Data Science/Big Data Consulting

Whether predictive, descriptive, or prescriptive modeling, our team ensures that your data is transformed into actionable, insightful models tailored for your specific objectives.

Data Collection

Harness the potential of meticulously gathered data. Our team employs advanced tools and methodologies to ensure a robust and relevant data foundation for your projects.

Data Preparation

Data's true potential emerges when it's curated and refined. Our specialists ensure your data is clean, devoid of anomalies, and structured perfectly to feed into your analytics pipeline.

Data Modeling

Dive into the transformative world of data science and big data with our seasoned experts. We provide guidance, strategies, and solutions tailored to your unique business challenges.

Data Warehousing

Benefit from scalable, efficient, and secure data storage solutions. We architect data warehouses that not only store but also optimize the retrieval and management of your vast data assets.

Data Visualization

Data speaks volumes when visualized correctly. Our designs bring clarity and insight, enabling stakeholders to understand complex data narratives at a glance.

Data Training

Knowledge is power. Equip your internal teams with the skills and understanding to leverage data effectively, ensuring that insights translate to action.

Build and Deploy Machine Learning Models

From ideation to deployment, we handle every phase of machine learning model development, ensuring your solutions are robust, reliable, and ready to scale.

ML Model Evaluation and Tuning

Performance is key in ML applications. We continually assess, fine-tune, and optimize your models, ensuring they deliver the desired outcomes efficiently.

Statistical Modeling

In a world of uncertainties, make decisions rooted in statistical truth. Our expertise ensures your strategies are backed by data-driven evidence, minimizing risks and amplifying opportunities.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Step into the future with advanced text analysis. Our NLP experts enable your business to understand, interpret, and generate human language, opening doors to applications like chatbots, sentiment analysis, and content optimization.

Time Series Forecasting

Navigate the complexities of temporal data with confidence. Our team specializes in forecasting trends, anomalies, and patterns, equipping your business to anticipate market changes and customer behaviors effectively.

How Our Data Scientists Work: Methods and Tools

Statistical Programming Methods

Our data scientists are proficient in various statistical tools such as SPSS Statistics, RStudio, JMP, and Minitab for advanced data analysis and Stata, SAS, and Eviews for robust econometric solutions.

Supervised Learning Algorithms

We excel in predictive modeling, employing algorithms like Linear Regression, Decision Trees, Random Forest, and Support Vector Machines, and boosting methods like XGBoost for enhanced prediction accuracy.

Unsupervised Learning Algorithms

Our team is skilled in uncovering patterns in data using K-means clustering, Hierarchical clustering, and Principal Component Analysis, along with association rules like Apriori Algorithm.

Neural Networks

We specialize in deep learning, implementing neural networks such as LSTM, GRU, Autoencoders, and GANs for sequential data analysis, image processing, and generative tasks.

Cutting-Edge Tools and Libraries

Our data scientists leverage modern programming languages like Python and R, and machine learning libraries such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Scikit-Learn for efficient model building and deployment.

Agile and Collaborative Workflows

We operate in an agile manner, ensuring swift and collaborative project progression, using tools like JIRA and Git for effective project management and version control.

Why Hire Data Scientist from Numerica Fusion?

Elite Talent Pool

Numerica Fusion prides itself on housing a highly selective team of data scientists, each rigorously vetted to ensure they stand in the top echelon of their field. By choosing us, you gain access to exceptional expertise and innovative problem-solving skills, ensuring that your data challenges are handled by the best in the industry.

Proven Track Record

Our data scientists have a demonstrated history of delivering transformative data-driven solutions across various industries. Their extensive experience and proficiency in the latest tools and methodologies translate into tangible business value for our clients, from enhanced decision-making processes to optimized operational efficiency.

Tailored Solutions and Collaboration

We understand that every business has unique data needs. Our data scientists excel at creating customized solutions that align perfectly with your specific objectives and challenges. We foster a collaborative environment, working closely with your team to ensure seamless integration of data science capabilities into your operations, driving innovation and success.

Leading Sectors Choosing Our Data Science Developers

Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals

Our data scientists excel in analyzing patient data, predicting disease trends, and optimizing treatment plans. We also aid in drug discovery and development, helping to shorten the R&D cycle and improve patient outcomes.

Finance and Banking

We provide advanced analytics for risk assessment, fraud detection, and customer segmentation, enhancing decision-making, and ensuring financial stability. Our models help in predicting market trends, automating trading strategies, and personalizing customer services.


Retail and E-Commerce

Leveraging data science, we assist retailers in inventory management, demand forecasting, and personalized marketing, leading to increased sales and customer satisfaction. We help e-commerce platforms optimize their recommendation engines and improve user experience.

Manufacturing and Supply Chain

We implement predictive maintenance, quality control, and operational efficiency models to reduce downtime and improve production processes. In supply chain management, we optimize logistics, forecast demand, and manage inventory more effectively.

Technology and Telecommunications

Our team enhances user experience, optimizes network performance, and drives innovation in product development for tech and telecom companies. We analyze user data to improve service quality and identify new revenue-generating opportunities.

Energy and Utilities

We apply data science to optimize grid operations, forecast energy demand, and integrate renewable energy sources efficiently. Our solutions help in predictive maintenance of equipment, reducing operational costs, and ensuring a stable energy supply.

We Are Equipped to Handle a Variety of Data Science and Analytical Services

Customer Success Stories



Core Technologies - R | Tableau | SQL Server

An insurance client needed to enhance their claims prediction accuracy to set premiums more effectively. We mined their database using SQL, processed and analyzed data with R, and visualized risk profiles in Tableau.



Core Technologies - Python | NLP | Flask

We empowered a major transport management client to revamp their routing system, leading to a 25% boost in delivery efficiency and a 20% cut in fuel usage. Using Python and Flask, we developed a dynamic routing API that integrated real-time data and driver feedback processed via NLP, reducing costs and improving driver experiences.



Core Technologies - Python | PowerBI | MySQL | Bright Data

Our data-driven approach using Python, PowerBI, and MySQL, supplemented by Bright Data's insights, enabled a US dental care provider to significantly enhance patient experience. This led to a 30% decrease in wait times, a 15% rise in treatment efficacy, and markedly higher patient satisfaction.


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